Which Fruit Contains Maximum Vitamin C

From a young age, you're taught that eating fruit is good for your body. You know to eat bananas for potassium, apples for fiber and oranges for vitamin C. However, outside of the common types of fruit we see at the grocery store, most people are unfamiliar with the majority that are available.

Fruits are packed full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. The more types of fruit you eat, the more balanced your nutrient consumption will be. Incorporating fruits and veggies into your diet can be a difficult task especially when you don't know what different fruits are available and how they benefit you.

This is an overview of various types of fruit so you can shop with confidence. If picking out fresh fruit is daunting to you, make sure to check out our guide on picking out the perfect fruit.

What are the different types of fruit?

Did you know that an avocado is a fruit? We often associate sweet produce with fruit and everything else with vegetables. Fruits have less to do with flavor and more to do with plant classification.

There are three main fruit categories: simple, aggregate and multiple. Most of the fruits you know and love are classified as simple fruit and fall under one of the four types of fruit in that category. Impress your friends and family with this quick guide to fruit classification:


Most of the fleshy fruits that you enjoy regularly fall into this category. Within the simple fruit category there are four types of fruit:

  • Drupes: These fruits are sometimes called stone fruit because inside the fleshy fruit there is a very hard seed (ex: cherry, plum, peach).
  • Berries: This word is a bit of a misnomer and can be confusing when classifying berries. Fruits like strawberries and blackberries aren't berries at all. This classification is for fruits that have seeds in the center of the fruit and are usually juicy on the inside (ex: grape, blueberry, gooseberry).
  • Pomes: This category is made of of fruits that primarily bloom from trees (ex: apples, pears).
  • Hesperidium and Pepos: These two categories are often placed in the berries classification or combined because of their similarities (ex: citrus fruits [hesperidium], watermelon [pepos]).


These types of fruit are made up of many drupes or berries that come from the same flower. Next time you bite into a raspberry or blackberry, notice how each bulb has a seed inside, like a tiny cherry or plum. Fun fact: raspberries and blackberries are often called druplets because of their tiny size!


The last category is made up of figs, pineapples and many others. Multiple fruits bloom from a cluster of fruiting flowers. Each flower merges together and matures into a single mass. Fun fact: the mature fruit is called an infructescence!

Whether you're a fruit fiend or not a fan, you're probably familiar with many common fruits. We have included both common and uncommon fruits, so browse through this list to learn about flavor, nutrition and uses.

Use the menu below for fast fruit finding!

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Just Because


Apples come in hundreds of color and flavor varieties. This versatile fruit can be enjoyed as a snack, mashed into sauce or even cooked into desserts. Even though the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" is not a scientific fact, these fleshy fruits have plenty of health benefits.

  • Excellent source of soluble fiber.
  • High in vitamin C.
  • Great low-calorie snack.


These small fleshy fruits are closely related to peaches and plums. The skin of an apricot is typically yellow and orange with a splash of red, while the fruit on the inside ranges from yellow to orange. Apricots can be enjoyed fresh or in their dried form.

  • Notable source of dietary fiber.
  • Outstanding source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • Provides calcium for healthy bones.


Avocados have swept the nation in recent years. These nutrient dense fruits can be consumed by themselves, smashed into guacamole or even used in chocolate desserts. It's easy to see why people love them — avocados are packed with nutrients!

  • Contains high amounts of healthy fats.
  • Good source of fiber.
  • Rich in protein and potassium.


The banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world despite the limited climates that it can grow in. These sweet tropical fruits are often used in desserts, blended into smoothies and enjoyed alone.

  • Excellent source of potassium.
  • Provides necessary minerals like manganese.
  • Rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin C.


These small dark druplets are enjoyed alone, in desserts or in compotes placed atop steaks or other red meats. Blackberries grow all over the world in the wild so next time you are on a hike, look out for these tasty snacks!

  • Packed with vitamin C, vitamin K and vitamin E.
  • Great source of magnesium and manganese.
  • Very good source of dietary fiber.


Blueberries are small dark blue or purple berries that have low sugar content despite tasting so sweet. These tasty little fruits are often baked into desserts, added to breakfasts or enjoyed alone. Often labeled a superfood, blueberries are a great addition to your diet because of their numerous health benefits.

  • Rich in vitamin K and vitamin C.
  • Outstanding source of manganese.
  • High in antioxidants, particularly flavonoids.


Boysenberries are hybrid fruits that are a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. These druplets have the juiciness of a blackberry and the sweetness of a raspberry. It's the best of both worlds! Though they are delicious to eat raw, they are also terrific in desserts, jams and tarts.

  • High in dietary fiber.
  • Rich in minerals such as manganese, iron, calcium and potassium.
  • Exceptional source of vitamin K.


Cantaloupes are the perfect summer snack. Often served cold, these juicy fruits will cool you down in no time and their high water content will help prevent dehydration.

  • Provide over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A.
  • Marvelous source of vitamin C.
  • Contains an abundance of antioxidants including choline, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.


Though often associated with berries, these sweet red fruits are classified as drupes. Fresh cherries can be cooked with red meats, used as a garnish for desserts and of course, eaten as a fresh snack. These low-calorie fruits are packed with nutrients.

  • Excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
  • Potassium-rich food.
  • Low on the glycemic index, making them better for blood sugar.


Clementines are hybrid fruits that were crossed between sweet and mandarin oranges. Like tangerines, these sweet fruits have thin skin, making them easy to peel and separate. Apart from being delicious and easy to eat, clementines also have a wide range of health benefits.

  • Exceptional source of vitamin C and vitamin B9.
  • Rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Balance electrolytes due to the presence of potassium.


In the United States, these bright red berries are often added to Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Fresh cranberries are quite tart in flavor so they are often dried or used in jams and juices with added sugar. This superfood is also packed with antioxidants and other nutrients.

  • High in vitamin C, vitamin A and vitamin K.
  • Contain B vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and vitamin B6.
  • Good source of fiber.

Date Palm

This Middle Eastern fruit, also known as a date, is one of the sweetest fruits in the world. These sugary treats are enjoyed fresh or dried. In western countries, dates are more often consumed in their dried form.

  • Rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium and copper.
  • Great way to increase your fiber intake, which benefits digestion and blood sugar control.
  • High amount of fructose, making it an excellent natural sweetener.


This vibrant fruit is known for its red skin and white pulp. This unique fruit can be enjoyed with salads, yogurt or as a standalone snack. Dragonfruit has been called a superfood due to its nutrient content.

  • Excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • Rich in iron and magnesium.
  • Contains prebiotic that are beneficial for gut health.


These large spiky fruits are infamous for their putrid scent. Though the smell is unbearable for some, the taste is loved by many. This sweet and creamy fruit is often cooked into a variety of sweet and savory Southeast Asian dishes. The durian boasts:

  • Outstanding source of minerals such as copper and iron.
  • High in vitamin C and vitamin B6.
  • Rich in fiber and protein.


Elderberries have been traditionally used as a medicine to treat a host of ailments. Today, we use them as health supplements and for jams, syrups and teas. Due to the bitter flavor, these tiny blue-black berries need to be cooked before eating.

  • Great source of vitamin C.
  • Rich in minerals like iron.
  • A good source of dietary fiber.


These Mediterranean fruits are delicate and are often dried for preservation. Figs are a great addition to pies, salads and soft cheeses. Their sweet flavor and chewy texture make this fruit truly unique.

  • Rich in minerals including calcium, magnesium and iron.
  • Contain vitamins A and K.
  • Good source of soluble fiber.

Goji Berry

Goji berries are small red berries that are often used in teas, blended into smoothies or eaten in their dried form. Traditionally used in Chinese medicine, this vitamin-rich fruit has become increasingly popular in the West.

  • Great source of protein.
  • Extremely high in Vitamin A and vitamin B2.
  • Contain minerals such as copper, selenium and iron.


Gooseberries are small green berries that are quite tart in flavor. They are commonly used in sauces and desserts. Fresh gooseberries are only available for a few weeks during the summer but people enjoy canned gooseberries year round.

  • Provide half of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
  • High vitamin A content.


Grapes are one of the most versatile fruits that people all over the world enjoy. They come in a variety of flavors and colors and are used in juice, jelly and wines, as well as eaten raw. These sweet snacks have high sugar content when fresh and low sugar content when fermented.

  • High in vitamin C and vitamin K.
  • Rich in copper and potassium.
  • When fermented, contains low sugar.


This sweet and sour fruit is a natural hybrid of an orange and a pomelo. Grapefruits come in a variety of colors and are often enjoyed by themselves or paired with fish. This nutrient-rich fruit is one of the healthiest types of fruit you can eat.

  • Contains over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Good source of vitamin A.
  • High in antioxidants, specifically flavonoids.


Guava is a less common green tropical fruit that, when cut open, reveals a white or pink pulp. Try eating guava by itself or dip it in vinegar!

  • Contains over 200% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C.
  • Excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • Low-calorie snack option.


Like the cantaloupe, honeydew is a sweet fruit that has a high water content. This fruit is eaten by itself or used in salads.

  • Provides over half of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Outstanding source of vitamin B6.
  • Contains an abundance of minerals including potassium and magnesium.


The kiwi is a sweet, green fruit filled with black seeds. This juicy fruit is surrounded in a furry skin and provide impressive nutritional content. Kiwifruit is often used in dessert items like tarts or eaten by itself.

  • Over 200% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Aids digestion due to high fiber and presence of enzymes.
  • Contains vitamin K and vitamin E.


This tiny orange-like fruit can be eaten in one bite. The sweet inside paired with the sour rind gives kumquats a unique flavor that is enjoyed all over the world.

  • Large amount of vitamin C.
  • The seeds and the peel provide omega-3 fats.
  • 80% of their weight is water, making them very hydrating.


This sour fruit is used in desserts, lemon drinks and thousands of recipes. Though squeezing lemon into water and recipes still has some health benefit, for the maximum benefits, you have to pucker up and eat the pulp!

  • Rich in vitamin C.
  • Healthy amounts of soluble fiber in the pulp.


Similar to the lemon, this green fruit is quite sour to the taste. Limes are often described as a little more bitter than lemons. These lip-puckering fruits are often used in cocktails and as a garnish on foods.

  • Packed with vitamin C.
  • Increases iron absorption.


Lychee is a small tropical fruit that has a reddish purple outer skin and a soft, white, pulp. It's eaten fresh and commonly mixed into ice cream and jelly.

  • One serving contains over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Rich in copper and potassium.


This soft and tangy drupe is enjoyed raw and used in desserts like ice cream. Mangoes are super sweet, which makes them a perfect sugar replacement in smoothies.

  • Great source of vitamins A and C.
  • High in fiber.


Like grapefruits, oranges are hybrid fruits, stemmed from pomelos and mandarins. These citrus fruits are surrounded by a tough peel, encasing sweet and tart flavors inside. Oranges are used in a variety of ways but are most often enjoyed fresh.

  • Contains over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Good source of vitamin B9 and potassium.


The papaya is a large pear-shaped fruits filled with reddish-orange pulp and black seeds. This unique fruit can be enjoyed atop a serving of yogurt, chopped into salsa or blended into a smoothie with other types of fruit.

  • Over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Good source of vitamin B9 and potassium.
  • Over one third of the recommended daily amount of vitamin A.

Passion Fruit

Though this fruit can range from the size of a golf ball to a softball, it's classified as a berry. The sweet insides of a passion fruit are often compared to tomatoes in texture. Try adding some to your next salad!

  • Excellent source of fiber.
  • Rich in potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  • High in vitamin C and vitamin A.


This fuzzy fruit is the pride and joy of the South. Peaches are baked in desserts, served with ice cream and mixed into jams. If you don't have access to fresh peaches, don't worry! Canned unpeeled peaches have similar amounts of vitamins and minerals — just make sure there is no added sugar.

  • Good source of vitamin C and A.
  • Packed with antioxidants.
  • Contains both soluble and insoluble fiber.


This sweet and crunchy snack comes in a variety of colors and shapes. Pears can be enjoyed fresh, cooked in cinnamon or baked into desserts. Though not particularly high in any specific nutrient, the pear boasts a range of micronutrients.

  • Outstanding source of vitamin C and vitamin K.
  • Contains copper, potassium and manganese.


The pineapple is covered in a thick, spiky skin. Inside the tough exterior, there is sweet, yellow fruit. This tropical treat is often grilled on skewers with meat and other types of fruit, enjoyed alone and added to desserts.

  • Contains over 100% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • High in manganese.
  • Excellent source of vitamin B1 and vitamin B6.


This sweet fruit has a dark purple skin that encases juicy insides that can range from yellow to red in color. Plums are quite bitter before they are ripe. To ensure you buy a ripe fruit, make sure to choose one that is heavy, slightly soft and has a sweet scent. This little fruit can be enjoyed fresh or in its dried form, known as a prune.

  • Good source of vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6.
  • A low-calorie snack without any harmful fats.
  • Packed with potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.


Pomegranates are made up of a thick red skin and hundreds of red seeds inside. These bright red treats are used in desserts, juices and as garnishes.

  • Excellent source of fiber.
  • High in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and vitamin B2.
  • Contains potassium and manganese.


These bright red druplets are the perfect mix of sweet and tangy. Raspberries are often used in syrups, desserts and eaten as a sweet snack.

  • One cup contains over 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Exceptional source of vitamin K and vitamin E.
  • Rich in manganese, iron and potassium.

Star Fruit

This special fruit lives up to its name. Cut a slice out of this small yellow fruit and it will be shaped like a perfect star. Star fruit has a tasty combination of sweet and sour and is low in calories. Try adding it to your salad or just slice and eat!

  • One fruit contains over 50% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin C.
  • Excellent source of copper.
  • High in fiber.


These bright red fruits are a favorite for people all over the world. Strawberries are delicious when eaten fresh, added to desserts and used in jams or jellies.

  • Excellent source of dietary fiber.
  • Relatively low on the glycemic index, making them a good snack for blood sugar control.
  • High in vitamin C and vitamin B9.


Tangerines are smaller than oranges and have a noticeably sweeter and richer flavor. These fruits are also easier to peel, which is perfect for mid-day snacking.

  • High in vitamin C, vitamin, B6, and vitamin A.
  • Good source of potassium.


A watermelon, as the name suggests, has an extremely high water content. This sweet fruit has a green rind and is filled with juicy red fruit. This low-calorie snack will keep you hydrated and happy on even the hottest day.

  • High in vitamin C and vitamin A.
  • Helps you stay hydrated.

There are so many ways to enjoy all types of fruit. Try adding them to your smoothies or enjoy them alone for a fresh snack. Next time you go to the grocery store, pick up a fruit you've never tried before and you might find your new favorite snack. For an extra special way to enjoy fruit, try some dipped cherries or strawberries !

Sources: Healthline | Better Health | Nutrition Advance | Half Your Plate | Gardening Know How

Which Fruit Contains Maximum Vitamin C

Source: https://www.berries.com/blog/types-of-fruit